Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ways to better posture

While it may not seem like it, posture is a very important issue. Better posture can help you look and feel better. But how does one implement better posture into their everyday life? What exercises exist that can help with better posture? Use the following eight tips to improve your posture:

  • Becoming Aware
    The best way to get better posture is to become aware of the posture that you have now. Do you tend to slouch while writing? Lean forward while at the computer? Find a cue that happens often, such as a phone ringing or a door closing, and check your posture when it occurs. Then correct yourself. This method is very effective in bringing awareness of the posture throughout daily life.
  • Tone Muscles
    Exercise and muscle tone actually enhance posture. Often, slouching occurs due to weak muscles. Stronger muscles prevent this.
  • Position your Head
    Once you have begun exercising and reminding yourself of your daily posture, start noticing the position of your head. Many people walk with heads jutted forward. This causes undue strain on the neck muscles. Instead of letting the head jut forward, make sure that it is placed squarely atop your neck. You may feel taller after this exercise, but once used to it, your overall appearance will benefit.
  • Position your Shoulders
    The shoulders often slouch backwards, giving the body a concave look. For better posture, make sure that your shoulders are upright and that your back is arched in toward the front. This will make you look taller and more confident.
  • Notice your Knees
    Many people walk stiffly, due to the fact that their knees are not properly supporting their body. Take a minute to notice your knees, and how they relate to the rest of your leg. Are they stiff as you walk? What happens when you sit down? Ideally, your knees should support you and your legs while you stand, sit and walk.
  • Relax your Arms
    While trying to implement all of these postural improvement, don't lock your arms. There is a tendency to lock the arms when concentrating on another part of the body. Leave arms relaxed and loose at sides while walking, and even let them dangle and move, if you'd like.
  • Remain Active
    Poor posture is often the result of sitting, standing or walking excessively all day. To maintain better posture, try and have a healthy amount of standing, walking, sitting and lying down in each day. This will allow your body to move in more ways then when it is confined to a few positions.
  • Relax
    The most important thing to remember is: relax! By saying this we do not mean slouching. The body can remain relaxed while moving and standing in a healthy way. Try to relax even while under important deadlines and meeting, and notice how much better you feel during pressured moments. Careful integration of this last tip into your daily life will make all of the other tips seem easier. Good luck!

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