Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Is Your Vagina the Normal Size?

Is there a way of telling whether the vagina is either too big or small? What needs to established first is, what is seen as normal. Without knowledge on normality how can one tell if the vagina is of natural size? Vaginal size is not a hot topic among women unless faced with a problem that entails this issue to be addressed.

The vaginal wall is stretchy so exact size can never really be determined. Some women believe a tighter vagina brings more pleasure when having sexual intercourse. There is a hint of truth in this because it means more pressure and friction. Nevertheless it can also cause discomfort for male and female. If the vagina is relaxed the vaginal walls collapse into each other. The diameter is less than one inch and the length will be around 3 to 4 inches. Size changes when ready for intercourse. At this time the diameter of the vagina is not the same throughout the vaginal tunnel.

The narrowest part is the opening of vagina and wider as it goes in deeper. As a rule the front part of vagina has a size of one and a half inches. The deeper into the vagina you go the bigger the diameter. The back end of vagina usually has a diameter of 2 1/2 inches. The front vagina wall has the length of 2 inches and the back end is 3 - so totaling about 6 inches. Giving birth can stretch the vagina because of intense expansion. if you are looking for a way to tighten the vagina, then Kegel exercises are very effective. You know your body better than anyone else and will know if something doesn't feel right. If your worries involve having a big or small vagina, then talk to your GP.

Women as young as in their early twenties and in their teens can suffer from this problem where their vaginas loosen and feel big. This normally occurs due to poor sexual health, childbirth, and other factors. Concerns about vaginal and vulva size is a regular issue, so no need to be embarrassed.

If you have never given birth it's almost unlikely that the vagina or vulva is too big. Never believe in all you hear i.e. having plentiful sex causes the vagina to become big, "poppycock." No matter how much sex you have it won't affect you're vaginal or vulva size, "childbirth" yes because it can affect dimensions, meaning, damaged muscles and other supporting tissues of the vaginal walls. You can prevent widening of the vagina doing postnatal exercises that physiotherapists teach. Never take up exercise unless advised by your doctor that is safe to do so. Although exercises are good for keeping the body in shape and healthy, - they may not be ideal if a particular condition a patient suffers, is a under threat, where additionally adds to their suffering.

If your vaginal 'barrel' is excessively big, leaving the vagina to appear 'loose', this can have the following effects: Intercourse less pleasing. Possibility of air getting into (and out of) the vagina - referred to in some parts of the country as fanny farting. On a more serious note, lax muscles and ligaments can lead to a prolapsed womb.

Things you can to do to help tighten a loose vagina?
Pelvic floor muscle exercises are one most favored option among women.
Tighten the muscles at the front of the lower part of your body - as if trying to stop yourself urinating , hold this contraction for 10 seconds then relax - repeat and keep up for 5 minutes. Do these 4 times daily. If at any time you feel pain stop immediately.

Due to technology we have many gadgets on the market, and one for helping with this issue is the vaginal muscle developer, unfortunately quite expensive if you don`t have money in the bank (£75 to £200) - and you do have to work at them for a long period before seeing results. Another option is to speak to a gynecologist to discuss the possibility of a 'repair' operation. This draws the weakened pelvic tissues together and firms everything up. Remember as with any type of surgery there are also the risks.

Women tend to cause themselves unnecessary worry over having a big vagina when there are many things that can be done to heal. Although sound advice, women still desperately worry about vulva appearance i.e. too large or the labia too long, or that bits of it protrude unequally. If you are one of these women then talk to your doctor - who will be able to reassure you that you are in fact normal and have nothing to worry about?

In contrast we have women who believe their vagina too small. Statistically this is most unlikely. The symptoms that could show unusually smallness is:
Painful intercourse
Not able to have sex
Problem with tampon insertion

After an examination has been given for the above mentioned symptoms, women find much to their amazement that their vagina is of normal-size. Cause for this confusion is nearly always connected to a condition called vaginismus. It is a regular condition that makes the vaginal muscles contract when intent to make contact with the genitals is made. You may be given an internal examination to make definite prognosis.

Symptoms of vaginismus come varied and can include:

Unintentional uncontrolled spasms of the muscles in the vagina
fear of pain
Panic in connection to penetration
Loss of sexual desire if penetration is attempted
Pain when inserting a tampon, finger or penis

The frightening thing about this condition is, the woman can do nothing to stop it because the symptoms are entirely involuntary. Whereas a big or small vagina is a problem we have control over.

How to perform a breast self exam

Performing a breast self-exam is important for every woman to perform. This is can help you become comfortable with your body as well as get to know your breast. You will be able to know any changes that occur in your breast.

It is important to perform a breast exam once a month. It should be the same time every month due to changes in your breast. The consistency of your breast changes from day to day especially around your menstrual period. It would more accurate if you perform at the same time each month.

You should perform you breast self-exam a couple of days after you menstruate. If you no longer menstruate you can perform it at anytime. It is very important that you perform the exam consistently after you stop menstruating.

Here is how you can perform your breast self-exam.

First, Get a mirror. Look for any changes that may have occurred in your breast since your last exam. Look for changes in your nipples, dry skin, or any abnormal changes.

Second, Raise your hands in the air and wave them around. This may sound silly but if you feel uncomfortable, it will make you feel better. Then proceed to look for any changes in your breast.

Third, Now is time for the feeling test. Raise one hand above your head. Then proceed use your three fingers in a circular fashion starting with the outer area of your breast. You should check for lumps or any changes. You may feel better performing this in the shower.

Fourth, look for changes under your arm and on your chest.

Most lumps are not malignant. However, if you find a lump contact your health care provider. This is only a part of your overall breast care. It is also important for you to get a mammogram every year after the age of forty.

Stomach Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite

You try to hide it. You try to ignore it. But eventually, you can’t but to notice it. It’s cellulite, and it seems almost impossible to get rid of. Want to learn some exercises to get rid of cellulite – for good?

If you’re interested in learning some exercises to get rid of cellulite, then you’re in luck. There are exercises that will greatly reduce the cellulite on your body. Here’s the thing about cellulite: cellulite is just fat. If you can learn exercises to get rid of fat, you can learn exercises to get rid of cellulite. In fact, the exercises you use to get rid of fat will help you get rid of cellulite.

A cardio workout interspersed with strength training is how to get rid of cellulite. Maintain a proper diet and keep up a regular schedule of cardiovascular exercises. Do regular strength training, such as muscle toning exercises, every other day or every few days. If you want to know how to get rid of cellulite, however, the answer is in doing cardio workouts. The only way to get rid of fat is to burn fat – and the answer is in cardio.

How to get rid of cellulite? The answer is in a cardio workout and healthy regular diet. It’s okay to do some muscle toning exercises, but the bulk of your workout should be focused on cardio. When some of that unsightly fat starts to melt away, and the question of using which exercises to get rid of cellulite is no longer hanging over your head, you can add more strength training and muscle toning to your regular workout. But keep up a regular workout schedule and stick to it. This is how to get rid of cellulite – the only way to get rid of cellulite.

When you know how to get rid of cellulite, you can work toward getting that sleek look that you want. Don’t worry about exercises to get rid of cellulite, focus on your cardio workout. Then you can stop worrying about how to get rid of cellulite.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good hairstyle ideas for brunettes

Women with brunette hair have many options for hairstyles. Warm, rich hair colors are flattering to most skin tones and can help disguise damaged hair. When choosing a hairstyle, you need to consider a variety of factors such as your hair’s length, texture, and overall health. Some styles that work for long, glossy hair are not appropriate for hair that is coarse or damaged. By taking such factors into account, brunettes can find a hairstyle that is flattering and showcases the gorgeous color of their hair.

If your hair is short, try a flirty style that is playful and fun. A good style for brunettes with short, lighter colored hair is to curl it into ringlets. The curls create a bouncy, carefree look that is feminine and sexy. Use a curling iron with a smaller barrel to create many tight curls, or use a slightly larger barrel if you want a looser, tousled look. If your hair has darker tones, try styles that are straight or slightly flipped to take advantage of the vivid color of your hair. The best way to obtain straight hair is to blow hair dry around a large, round brush. Once hair is dry, apply a smoothing gel or pomade and then straighten individual sections with a flat iron. The resulting look will be smooth and elegant, causing hair to look silky and shiny.

Brunettes with medium-length hair have countless options when selecting hairstyles. Wearing your hair up is a great way to capitalize on dark hairs sophisticated grace and elegance. Perhaps the easiest way to style brunette hair is to pull it into a high ponytail and use covered elastics to secure the hair. It is important not to use plain elastic bands when pulling your hair up, since they can lead to hair breakage and cause your hair to look damaged and unhealthy. You can also enhance this look by wrapping the loose hair into a bun or chignon or you can dress it up with ornamental clips and barrettes.

Those with medium-length hair can also wear hair down to create a soft, feminine look. If your hair is slightly wavy, it is easy to create sexy beach hair in just a few simple steps. To get the look, scrunch styling gel or mouse into damp hair and then allow your hair to air dry. Once your hair is dry, use a gentle hairspray to secure the waves. Brunettes who want a more dramatic look can coax their hair into generous curls, creating a look that is bold and dramatic. To obtain this look, apply a small amount of styling gel or mouse and then wrap individual sections of hair around a curling iron with a two-inch barrel. Once curls are cool to the touch, use your fingers to gently comb through your hair to slightly separate the curls.

If your hair is long, you can wear styles that highlight the length and beautiful color of your hair. Long, healthy hair looks stunning when worn straight. The evenness of the hair will draw attention to your tresses luminous sheen and silky texture. Long, romantic curls are perfect for creating a dramatic statement and creating texture. Hair can also be worn accessorized with headbands or barrettes that keep hair back from the face while still showing off the length.

While brunettes have many options when choosing hairstyles, those that emphasize your hair’s beautiful color will be the most flattering. Whether your hair is short, long, or somewhere in between, the right hairstyle will help you look your best and show off the best qualities of your hair. Before choosing a style, take the time to consider the length, texture, and overall health of your hair.

Drugs for hair loss

Here is a list of the most popular, widely used products, and the results of some studies about the products.

1. Minoxodil(Approved by the FDA) Most commonly referred to as Rogaine. Although it has been around since 1988 it was only approved for over-the-counter sales in 1996. About 25 percent of the men report some hair regrowth and about 20 percent of the women. There is a stronger version out for men, but it is unsafe for women to use. The extra-strength Minoxodil may work about 45 percent better. The cost is about $300.00 a year, and the hair regrowth stops when the treatment is discontinued. This product seems to be most effective in early stages of hereditary baldness. More than regrowing hair Minoxodil seems to help people retain the hair that they do have with more success. Comes in a cream form that you massage into the scalp.

2. Finasteride (Approved in 1997) is marketed as Propecia. It was the first approved treatment for pattern baldness that came in a pill form. The dosage is one pill a day and it may take several months before you can see any positive results. It is recommended that if you haven’t seen any new hair growth in 12 months that you discontinue treatment. Clinical trial results indicate that more than 80 percent of men taking finasteride may experience a slowing of hair loss, and more than 60 percent may show some new hair growth. The cost is about $50.00 a month. This drug is not safe for women to take and it poses very real danger for women of childbearing age. Women should not touch or handle the tablets because the absorption of the drug can cause birth defects in male fetuses. It has been shown to be safe for women when their partner is taking finasteride.

Questions and Answers
Q. What aren’t these treatments indicated for?
A. Nonhereditary baldness

Hair loss due to illness or childbirth
Children and adolescents
Q. What is really new and promising?
A. (1.) Revivogen - This is a topical solution that can be used by both men and women. It contains every growth stimulant and DHT inhibitor currently known to science, in one solution;

(2) the substance Folligen, a non-drug product meant to improve scalp and follicle health and vitality;
(3)the new product Tricomin which uses Copper Peptides to stimulate naturally dormant follicles into their growth phases while it inhibits the damaging work of DHT. Tricomin can be used in conjunction with Rogaine and Propecia, providing additional benefits to the follicle and surrounding environment;
(4) Proxiphen/Proxiphen-N is a topical formulation of many of the nonprescription hair loss treatment agents, similar to the product mentioned above. However since it also contains prescriptive agents it needs to be prescribed by your physician after a diagnosis of balding.

As with most things in life, your best line of attack is education. The Internet is full of those newsgroups, message boars, chat rooms and product pages where you can find out what real people say about the products. There are Internet sites devoted to discovering products that are total "quackery." And remember, buyer beware!

should I wear a wig?

Wearing a wig can become a fashion adventure. With a flick of your hair you can have a whole new look in terms of color, style, and length. While it can be exciting to try out a new hairdo when you slip on a wig, you may want to give it some thought first. Ask yourself questions like these:

1. Would I be comfortable wearing artificial hair?
Some people are dedicated naturalists, preferring to avoid cosmetic adjustments to their personal appearance. Folks like these refuse to color their hair, they wear little or no makeup, and skimp on jewelry or scent. If you lean toward the natural look in your appearance, a wig may be a bit extreme, unless you choose one that is similar to your current look. Even those who lose their hair for medical reasons sometimes prefer wearing a bandana or another type of head covering rather than put on a wig. It's a matter of personal taste, but consider your perspective before making a financial investment, as some wigs are costly.

2. Will a wig make me look too different?
If you have been wearing gray hair for a few years and suddenly switch to wearing a redheaded wig, your new look may require some adjustment. You could start with an in-between color or style. Then, if that goes well, take it a step further and get another wig that is more distinct yet. In general, if you plan to wear a wig around those who see you frequently, say to work or at home, it may be best to opt for a low-key wig at first, unless you're certain the extreme change will not adversely affect others' impressions of you.

3. Will a particular wig suit me?
Again, if you're used to wearing short hair and decide to start wearing a long wig with locks that cascade down your back, this could be quite an overnight switch. Of course the choice is up to you, and most likely any new style, no matter how different from your usual look, will quickly become old news after a few days. Try on a variety of styles and colors to find one that suits your face and personality.

4. Get a second opinion.
Take your husband or a close friend along when you try on wigs. Make sure they are frank with their opinions of how you look in various styles. While you don't necessarily want another person to choose your wig for you, it would be helpful if your companion and you could agree on the most flattering wig designs for you. If you can't take anyone, ask the sales assistant, keeping in mind that his or her opinion may lean toward the most expensive wig.

5. Try it out.
After purchasing your new hair design, you may want to wear it at home, alone, at first to see how it feels and looks. Then when you are more comfortable, wear it to the store or other short errands and gauge observers' responses. Getting funny looks or sincere compliments will provide feedback that can guide your future use of the wig.

Putting on a hairpiece is a little bit of playing dress-up. It's sure to be fun and you can always stop when you're tired of it. Choose a wig that makes you look your best, and wear it to places where you're most comfortable with how it makes you feel.

When you should not to color your hair

Millions of women color their hair every year. Some pick up a kit at the drugstore and color their own hair at home, or have a friend help with it. Others make an appointment at the salon for an expert to apply professional hair color.

Whichever mode you prefer, keep in mind that there are certain times when you should not color your hair. Those who believe a color job can be done at any time may be in risk of damaging their scalp or hair.

1. Don't color your hair if you have a scalp injury. Wounds like scratches, burns, scrapes, cuts, blisters, or stitches need to be allowed to heal before you apply a chemical solution such as a hair color, whether permanent or temporary. Be careful if you have a sore on your face, since hair color that enters your blood stream through skin openings can cause blood poisoning, or sepsis, which is life-threatening.

2. Avoid coloring your hair if it is over processed. A recent permanent or straightening, frequent curling iron or blow-dryer use, or exposure to swimming pool chlorine or other harsh chemicals may have damaged your hair to the point that dye or color could cause split ends, brittleness, or even hair loss if the solution is too much for your hair. It is better to wait until you haven't used other chemicals for several weeks so that your hair will be in better condition for the color.

3. Postpone hair coloring if you are losing hair or your hair has thinned due to illness or natural causes. Thin hair may be a sign of an underlying illness, so get a medical checkup before proceeding with your color job. A salon stylist can probably tell if your hair is too thin by examining you at the shop.

4. Wait to have your hair colored if you have head lice, body lice, fleas, scabies, or other possibly contagious skin or hair conditions. Your stylist and other salon patrons will not be happy to learn that you brought all your little friends with you to the salon for a color job. Get the problem treated and cleared up before going public with your head of hair.

5. Do not color your hair if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Always do the allergy test associated with any brand of hair color, either at home or in the shop. Typically this means applying a small daub of the solution to the inside of your elbow and leaving it undisturbed for 48 hours. If your skin becomes red, irritated, burning or itching, or develops a rash, you should not use the product. Continuing with the hair dye if you are allergic may lead to serious and sometimes life-threatening complications.

Hair coloring is a common practice that many women use frequently and safely. Taking a few precautions like those outlined above can help to provide you with good results and few problems. Read the directions on your home kit, or ask the salon stylist if you are a good candidate for hair coloring.

When you should color your hair?

When is the best time to color your hair? There can be several answers to that question. Here are some of those potential answers.

1. Color your hair when your natural color begins to fade or turn gray. For many women this can happen in their 30's or 40's, although it may be earlier or later. You may wish to consult with a hairdresser about the best shade for your hair, and whether you should color all your hair or just add a few highlights. You can always start with a little color and add more next time if it turns out well. Once you start coloring your hair, it’s a good idea to keep it up consistently, perhaps monthly, to avoid the appearance of dark roots as the color grows out.
2. You may wish to color your hair to try a new look. Just don't go extreme! If your hair is medium brown, try a shade that adds rich, red highlights. Or if you are blonde, go a shade or two lighter in the summer. Of course, if you are bold, you may decide to risk everything and go for a completely opposite color, say from black to blonde or brown to red. Know how to reduce or eliminate the color if you don't like the outcome.

3. Formal or unusual entertainment events may prompt you to experiment with hair coloring. Frosting your hair, blending highlights, adding sparkle, or coloring just the tips can add a special glow to your usual hair color. Depending on your age and personality, look for something new and different that accents rather than hides your natural color. Ask your hair salon stylist for ideas or suggestions, along with family members and trusted friends.

4. Be sure to follow directions if you color your hair at home. Take the allergy test to be sure you're not allergic to any of the chemicals in the color solution. Also take the strand test to check for shading before using the product all over your hair. Advise your hair stylist to do the same if you opt for a commercial color job.

5. Wash your hair at least twelve hours before coloring. Clean hair is essential for the color solution to take hold of the strands and seep into the hair shaft. But don't wash your head just before the coloring job, as you could lose vital skin oils that help to protect your scalp during coloring.

6. Color your hair at home when you have everything you'll need. The kit provides basic items, like gloves, cap, color, and instructions. But you'll also need a timer, a washcloth or wet napkin for wiping smudges off your face and neck, and a clip to hold the cap in place. At the salon you may want to wear an older shirt in case of spots, although the body cover they provide will likely keep the product from touching your skin or clothes.

Coloring your hair is an exciting way to look more youthful or attractive. Follow these steps to make the most of your hair coloring job.

Adult acne treatments

Acne is usually associated with the awkwardness of the teenage years. Unfortunately, acne can affect adults. Even people who had good skin in their youth can develop horrible acne is their twenties, thirties, or even forties. Because it is not expected, adult acne can be especially embarrassing. However, there are lots of adult acne treatments that are extremely effective; if you suffer from adult acne, the following tips might be just what you need.

First of all, if you suffer from acne you should eliminate the causes of acne. Avoid touching your face and change your pillow case very often; your hands and pillow case are covered with more dirt and oil than you might think. Dehydration and vitamin deficiency can trigger acne, so you should drink lots of water and take a multivitamin. Some people find that eating certain foods also causes acne. If you suspect that a food is triggering your acne, eliminate that food and see if the acne improves. If you wear makeup, make sure it is light and oil free, and try to use something that is made for acne prone skin.

Skin needs moisture; do not rid you face of all of its moisture in an attempt to get rid of oil. While it is true that an excess of oil can cause acne, it is also true that dry skin can produce extra oil in order to lessen the dryness, thus causing acne. Even if the dryness does not lead to acne, dry skin simply does not look or feel very appealing. The key is to find a balance where your skin is healthy and acne-free. In order to avoid over-drying your skin, do not wash your face more than twice a day. Also, even if you have oily skin, you should use a moisturizer – seriously. If your acne is mild, you might have success with any oil-free moisturizer. If your acne is severe or your face is very oily, try using an oil-free lotion that contains an acne-fighting medicine or claims to be good for controlling oil or shine.

There are lots of different acne fighting products on the market, but there are really not that many different types of medications. The most common topical medication is salicylic acid, which is very effective at treating and preventing acne. Benzoyl peroxide is also a common acne medication; it helps reduce acne causing bacteria and is great for treating blackheads. Some people use salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide together, although the combination might be too harsh for some skin types. A little experimentation is usually necessary to find the best treatment for an individual.

If you acne is persistent or very severe, you should see a dermatologist. Acne can be treated with prescription medicine, including Accutane. Some people view Accutane as a miracle cure; however, the drug has been linked to number of different side effects, ranging from dry mouth and nose bleeds to birth defects and depression. If you are interested in Accutane, you should discuss the option very thoroughly with your doctor. If you are a woman, you might also consider going on the birth control pill; many women find that their acne improves significantly while on birth control. If you are already on taking the birth control pill and still suffer from bad acne, switching to a different birth control pill might help. Once again, discuss your options thoroughly with your doctor.

There are many different causes of acne; usually, people who suffer from acne never know exactly what caused it. However, most acne can be treated fairly easily. If you suffer from acne, make sure that you keep your face clean, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and take good care of your skin. And, if necessary, discuss other options with your doctor.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Tattoos???--Pros and cons on different body parts

Where on your body should you get a tattoo? Although to some this question may seem trivial, remember your tattoo will be with you for the rest of your life. It needs to be placed well for you to be happy and for the tat to keep looking good. This brief article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of inking various parts of your body.

People who tattoo their heads generally choose the sides of the head over the ears and just above the nape of the neck. The advantages of choosing this particular spot include the fact you can grow your hair out to hide the tattoo. One disadvantage is you will have to shave your head if you want to show off your ink work.
The back of the neck is another unusual spot to be tattooed. Once again, you can easily hide the tat if you decide to wear your hair long, but you will have to tie your hair up or cut it short if you want your tattoo to be visible.
Tattoos on the face still carry a lot of stigma in Western cultures. If you choose to tattoo your face, you will undoubtedly have problems finding a well-paying, professional job.

Tattooing the upper chest is in fashion for both sexes. Pros of choosing this large, flat area to ink is you can usually receive a large, colorful, detailed tattoo. Keep in mind, however, you may need to conceal your tattoo at work.
Breast tattoos are still popular with the ladies. Although these tattoos can be very sexy, women need to remember the skin in this area will undoubtedly sag with age or after childbirth. Have your tattoo artist help you choose a piece which will not look awful when it starts to stretch.

The rib cage allows tattoo artists to ink a fairly large area and you can incorporate the tat into a major back piece or chest piece. However, inking this spot can be very painful because your ribs are so close to the skin.
Stomach tattoos are popular because they are so easily concealed. Many people have learned, however, stomach tattoos tend to become distorted once you age and your metabolism slows down. Women also need to consider the fact this area stretches out quite a bit during pregnancy and stretch marks will make the piece look deformed.

The thighs offer tattoo artists a fairly large canvas with which to work. This area is also easily covered up with clothing.
The calves are another popular spot for tattoos. They can easily be either concealed for work or revealed for playtime. The tattooing process tends to be less painful on calves than on other parts of the body. However, men may have to shave their legs in order for the piece to be seen.
The ankles are a popular tattooing spot with women. Although this body part is easy to conceal with boots, the tattooing process can be painful since the skin is so near the anklebone.
Many tattoo artists are unwilling to tattoo the feet because the skin does not take the ink very well and tats end up looking spotty. Most artists also will not touch up this spot for free, so be sure to ask about their policy first. If you decide to get inked on your feet, the tattoo is easily hidden with shoes.

The upper arms are popular tattooing spots for men. This body part is one of the least painful places to receive a tattoo. Keep in mind if you are in the sun a lot, your tat will likely blur and fade.
People generally tattoo the armpits when they have a full chest tattoo. This area has many nerves and can be extremely painful.

Wrist tattoos are less fashionable. Although they can be easily hidden with a watch or thick bracelet, this spot tends to be painful because the skin is so close to the bone.
Many tattoo artists refuse to tattoo hands since the ink tends to fade or blur quite quickly. If you do find an artist willing to ink this spot, you will probably only receive a small, basic line.

The back is a very popular spot to receive a large, detailed tattoo. The skin on the back tends to be thicker so the tattooing process tends to be less painful.
The buttocks are not a popular tattoo spot. The process can be quite painful and the tattoo tends to become distorted as you age and your skin begin to sag.

Tattoos will be more painful wherever you have a lot of nerves. If you are ticklish in a certain spot, it will hurt to get tattooed there.

10 simple wedding or prom looks with buns and twists

Do you crave an elegant updo for your upcoming prom, wedding, or other formal occasion? Even the most elaborate formal styles are made from simple buns and twists that anyone can do! Before making that salon appointment to have your hair styled, try your hand at these easy at-home styles.

For all of these styles, you will achieve best results if you do not wash your hair the day of styling; your natural oils will help to give your hair weight to hold the buns or twists. For many of these twists and buns, you will need bobby pins and elastic ponytail holders---make sure to use only those products that are designed for use in hair and are coated to protect your hair. For additional flourishes, decorate your buns and twists with specialty bobby pins, barrettes, ribbons, fresh flowers, or a tiara.

Shoulder-Length to Long Hair
These six hairstyles work best on shoulder-length to long hair.
-Ballerina Bun. This is a classic and romantic look for formal occasions. Brush all of your hair into a high ponytail at your crown. Smooth out any lumps and bumps before securing the ponytail. When you are satisfied with the ponytail, secure it with a coated elastic ponytail holder. Twist the ponytail until it begins to twist in on itself. Wrap the length of the ponytail around its base to form the bun. Finally, wrap the end of the ponytail over the entire bun to create the smooth shape of the ballerina bun. Use an additional elastic hairband if necessary to hold the bun in place, and secure with coated bobby pins. Use a heavy duty hair spray to keep loose hairs from flying out.
-“Princess Leia” Buns. If you want your hair to really stand out from the crowd, try this style. Part your hair evenly down the center, and brush into two side ponytails (above your ears). Secure each ponytail with an elastic hairband. Twist one of the ponytails firmly, and then begin to wrap the twist in a spiral. Keep the wrap flat against your head, rather than wrapping the bun on top of itself. Tuck the end under the wrap, and secure with bobby pins. Repeat on the other side, and spray both buns heavily with hairspray.
-Spiky Bun. Brush your hair into a high ponytail at the crown of your head, and secure with an elastic hairband. Then, divide the ponytail into three pieces. Twist each section, bring it back to the base of the ponytail, and secure with a bobby pin, allowing several inches of the tail to stick out over the bun. You can spike these tails by teasing each section and applying a little “hair glue” or gel, or just leave them loose for a soft, tousled effect.
-Chopstick Twist. This twist is tricky to explain but easy to do! If you don’t get it on the first try, keep practicing. You will first need a pair of decorative hair chopsticks. Make a loose, unsecured ponytail in the center of your head, and hold this bundle of hair in your right hand. Next, place the chopstick, pointed side down, to the right side of the bundle of hair, and twist the chopstick so that it comes under the bundle of hair. Bring the chopstick up, twisting your hair around the chopstick, and make sure that the twist is very tight to begin with---otherwise, it won’t stay put. To secure, stick the pointed end of the chopstick through the center of the ponytail, then work the other chopstick through the twist. Finally, use bobby pins to hold down any loose hairs.
-Double Barrette Twist. Part your hair evenly down the center. Take one half and make a loose, unsecured ponytail. Twist this section tightly, then wrap it up and secure with a barrette. Repeat on the other side. Tuck the “tails” of the twists under and secure with bobby pins, or leave them loose to “spray” over the twists.
-Ponytail Twist. This twist works best with very long hair and makes a unique but elegant updo. Make a loose ponytail at the nape of your neck. Twist the entire ponytail, and then loop it around. Fasten the loop with a barrette so that the twisted loop can dangle. Use bobby pins to secure any loose ends.

Hair of Any Length
Although most “updos” are designed for long hair, there are still plenty of fun looks you can create with shorter hair. Here are four styles using twists and buns that will work on hair of almost any length (although you do, of course, need to have enough hair to twist).
-Twin Buns. Part your hair evenly down the center, and gather each side into a tight ponytail at the nape of your neck. Secure with elastic bands. Twist each ponytail, and wrap it up into a tight, small bun. Tuck in the tails of the twists, and secure with bobby pins.
-Half Up, Half Down. This style consists of two small buns at the crown of the head, and then the rest of your hair is left loose. Make two small ponytails, evenly spaced, on opposite sides of your crown. Twist each of these so that the twist wraps upon itself, and secure with bobby pins. Style the rest of the hair as desired.
-Mini Buns. This cute, trendy look is made of many tiny buns arranged all over the head. Decide how many buns you want, and divide your hair evenly into sections. Make firm ponytails, and secure each with an elastic band. Then, twist each ponytail into a tiny bun. Wrap the end of the ponytail over the top of the twisted bun to create a smooth line. Secure loose ends with bobby pins.
-All-Over Coils. For a choppy, funky look, try this technique: simply twist small, random locks of hair, and secure with bobby pins. Apply gel to the tails so that they spike. Spray all over with a heavy duty hairspray.

Comb Hair to keep your mane intact

No one wants to go out looking like who did it and why so, here are ways to keep your mane intact.

Comb Hair

Step1 If you wear rollers, unsnap, unpin and roll down in the direction of the curl.

Step2 Take a feathered or fine toothcomb and sweep in the direction of the curl assuring that every strand of hair is in place the way you desire it.

Step3 Part hair with the tip of the biggest part of the comb, if you desire your hair in a certain style.

Step4 Using the remaining teeth of the larger end, comb the hair in the direction you desire or the direction of the curl.

Step5 If your hair is in a wrap style, take a feathered or fine toothed comb using the largest part of the teeth and sweep in the direction of the wrap left to right or right to left to avoid breakage. The wrap style is styled in a circular motion and when combed down it will be straight.

Step6 With a wrap, the hair will lay straight once combed in the direction you wrapped it.

Step7 The comb should sweep through the hair in a downward position, if the hair rolled in a downward direction. Any other way will cause the hair to look frizzy and not done.

Step8 Your curls will be tight when combed out with no bounce if the rollers are tight.

Step9 If the hair is loose, the hair should be easy to comb.

Step10 Spray for added effect and staying power.

Reduce Acne Scarring

Anyone who has ever suffered from acne knows how embarrassing and horrible it can be to deal with. Acne sufferers try many different ways to treat their acne, and many ways can help. However, even when acne is cleared up people can be left with ugly scars that can be just as embarrassing as the acne.

Acne is common in people of all ages, ethnicities, and genders. Acne is not about dirt or being dirty, but rather it is an infection in the skin. People with active acne have substantial swelling, infection, and red bumps on the infected area. The first thing to do to get rid of acne is to see a dermatologist and get the right treatment for you. Early treatment of acne can help prevent scarring.

People who suffer from acne sometimes feel as though acne scarring cannot be prevented or helped until after the acne is under control and cleared up. This is a misconception. Though acne scarring is quite common in most cases, there are ways to help prevent and reduce scarring. A few little things that can help reduce scarring before the acne is cleared up is to make sure not to pick or pop any of the acne marks on the body or face. This only irritates the acne. Anything that can irritate the skin can make scarring worse. Try avoiding harsh scrubbing of the skin in the infected areas. Though you may feel like your infected area is just dirty, the hard scrubbing can make scarring much worse.

Instead, be gentle when you clean these areas, and use a soft cloth. It is also important not to over wash the areas, because this can cause drying of the skin and irritation. If your acne is on your face, it is also important to keep your hair washed and clean. If your hair is dirty or oily, it can add to the oil on the face and irritate the acne. To make sure that your hair is not affecting your acne, make sure to keep it pulled away from your face.

Once your acne is under control and cleared up, this is the time that scarring will come into sight. Scarring normally can be discolored lesions or crater looking indents in the area that was infected. The discoloration will lighted up over time and start looking more like your normal skin.

Depending on the degree of scarring, there are ways of helping reduce the scarring after the acne is cleared. There are skin products on the market that can help clear up relatively small amounts of scarring. Make sure to choose a skin product with anti-free radical properties when choosing one to help with the scars. If your scarring is more severe or you want a faster fix, there are other options as well.

Chemical peels can be used to help reduce acne scarring. A chemical peel removes the outer layer of skin by applying different chemicals to the scarred areas. The use of chemical peels is not right for everyone and is dependent on the severity of scarring and the skin type of each individual. People with extremely sensitive skin or very severe scarring may not want to try the chemical peel.

Laser resurfacing is another way to help reduce the scarring produced by acne. During this procedure, the top several layers of skin are removed by using high-energy light. This us used for more sever scarring. It helps give the kin a smoother, more pleasing contour. People who did not feel that a chemical peel was right for them may try this method and see that it works quite well.

Another way to help reduce acne scarring is by punch or grafting. During this process, the doctor uses a surgical instrument called a punch to close the scars with tiny skin grafts. People choose this method for severe deep scarring that a chemical peel and laser resurfacing may not be able to improve.

Collagen implantation can help reduce acne scarring as well. This procedure is normally used for people who have a few soft depressed scars. Collagen is a natural protein that is injected under the skin below the lesion. By doing this, the collagen elevates the skin of the scar to the level of the skin around it. This is a pretty simple procedure that can be used for less severe scarring.

Suffering from acne is common for many people, and it is important to get it under control. Acne scarring can occur and may be just as embarrassing as the acne was, but there are ways to help prevent and reduce scarring from acne.

how to create a smokey eye look

For a popular sultry and sexy look, create wide-open, smoky eyes with this simple how-to guide.

What you will need:
- cream style concealer or heavy foundation
- eyeliner pencil in black, dark gray or dark charcoal brown
- powder shadow in dark brown or gray
- powder shadow in ivory or light beige
- black mascara
- eye shadow makeup brush
- cotton swab or applicator sponge

Creating the look:
Cover the surface of the eyelid with creamy concealer or with a heavyweight foundation. This will form a smooth base over which to apply the eye makeup and will help it to last longer.
2. Using the pencil eyeliner, trace a thin line along the top lash line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Next, trace the bottom lash line from the inner to outer corner. Use a cotton swab or applicator sponge to smudge the lines so they are not stark stripes and to remove any clumps left by the pencil. The farther the color is from the lashes, the more it should fade.
3. Lightly brush the powder shadow over the surface of the lid, including into the crease. Brush outward and with an upward motion. Stop short of the brow line and do not pass the outer edge of the brows on the sides.
4. Sweep a little of the light powder shadow across the brow bone, blending lightly. Start the light shadow a little inside of the inner corner eye. This brightens and opens up the eye.
5. Finish with smoothly applied mascara.

Color tips:
If you have very light skin, hair and eyes, use the grays and browns for this look as black will be too harsh. Women with darker or olive toned skin and brown hair and eyes can use black for liner and even for shadow. For other variations on this look, use a dark natural green tone such as khaki or a dark gray with a hint of purple, burgundy or plum. Try combining colors; for example sweep a little bronze-brown over a charcoal brown to brighten up the look. Avoid shadows with blues or any pastels for the smoky look.

For a festive evening look, replace the ivory powder shadow with a pale but shimmering metallic gold shadow. A silvery white can also be used, but keep it very sheer or it will look pasty. Use a glittery gunmetal gray for the dark shadow. For really dramatic evening eyes, extend the shadow a little further than the outer brow edge in a small upsweep. Pair the upsweep with long and dark false eyelashes. This cats’ eyes look is extremely striking for a night on the town, but would be overkill for most daytime events.

The rest of the face:
To make sure the eyes are the focus of attention, keep the makeup on the rest of the face subtle. Avoid a totally nude lips look unless you want to really vamp it up. Instead, use a muted plum on the lips and cheeks for a natural and sophisticated color. Sheer berry tones and browns are also appropriate. Most importantly, avoid brights and pastels as they will detract from the sultry nature of the eyes. If red lipstick is a must, use a very sheer red.

The benefits of bees wax in your hair

Learn the helpful properties of beeswax and how it can improve your hair style. You can add a safe and natural ingredient to your everyday look.

Beeswax is a very natural substance that contains beneficial properties found in items such as lotions, ointments, creams, lip balms, lipsticks, pharmaceutical products, polishes, candles, soaps, and cosmetic products. Its many benefits can especially be found in a variety of consumer hair care products.

To better understand the advantages of using beeswax for your hair management, it is first necessary to examine its physical properties. The basic properties of beeswax found in its original state include compounds such as hydrocarbons, esters, 3-hydroxyflavone, and free alcohols and acids. The bees that create it are referred to as the worker bees and they actually build this substance from the secretion of their glands. The worker bees then shape these particular secretions into what is more commonly known to most of us as the honeycomb. The end product of the refined waxes that are eventually produced can be usually seen in the colors of yellow and white.

There are many wide-ranging benefits found in the use of beeswax for hair care products. One benefit is the beeswax can provide a very pleasant and sweet fragrance. Another benefit is it can act as an emulsifier and it can make the hair much stronger and much thicker. Beeswax can also can build-up the volume of your hair in order to provide for a more improved control and texture to your hair particular style.

Beeswax can give an additional shine and glossy appearance to your hair and offer extra protection for your hair. The presence of its wax coating and its antioxidants can protect the hair from harm and damage created from everyday environmental factors and conditions.

The substance of beeswax can give added lubrication, moisture, hydration, and softness to your hair. It is considered to be a very safe, hypoallergenic, and natural ingredient to apply to both your hair and scalp. Only a little amount of beeswax is needed to help add the necessary volume, thickness, strength, and luster.

One of the important advantages to selecting beeswax for styling solutions is it can be easily mixed with many other ingredients. It will still retain its unique properties when combined in different mixtures.

The types of hair products found containing beeswax include hair styling balms and pomades, emulsifiers, and volume, hold, and brilliantine solutions. These products offer sweet scents and aromas, shine and gloss, styling, emulsifying, and volumizing aids. It has numerous helpful and applicable uses for hair care products and enhancers due to its protective and beneficial features. Additionally, beeswax is thought of as both a natural and safe product to use.

You can find beeswax packaged by itself for its sole contribution to your hairstyle management. You can also find the substance of beeswax combined with other compatible ingredients such as olive oil or almond oil. Whether it is to be used in its original source or whether it is to be used in combination with other helpful substances, beeswax can be of benefit to and complement your hair conditioning and styling in a variety of ways.

Coffee and women's health

Nearly 80% of the population drinks coffee on a daily basis. There are 80-130 mg. of caffeine in just one cup of coffee. For many years the medical community has warned the public of the health risks to women from a simple cup of Java, yet there still is very little linking coffee to health problems except in a very few cases.

Coffee has been blamed for everything from indigestion to cancer at one time or another. It has had an almost constant role in the news pertaining to health in recent years. It seems that every few months there is a new blurb about coffee on the local news or radio. Most of these warnings and urgent reports clogging the airways are aimed at women. Even doctors have been very critical of the role of coffee in women's health.

The fact of the matter remains; there is little proof that any risk to women exists from drinking coffee in moderate amounts. As a matter of fact, reports have even suggested that coffee even lessen the risks of some diseases in women, such as bladder cancer. It has gotten to the point that it is almost difficult to believe anything that we hear involving the health risks of coffee involving women anymore.

Why has coffee been getting a bad rap?
1. Well of all drinks containing caffeine, coffee has the highest amount, far more than soda.
2. Since pregnant women must be cautious when carrying an infant, doctors advise against caffeinated beverages still today, despite there being no evidence of health risks. This stems from antiquated ideas and data, though.

While the caffeine in coffee can be connected to raising blood pressure and is responsible for increasing the incidence of cardiovascular disease and even high cholesterol levels, there is no connection that coffee poses more of a risk to women who consumes it than women who don't drink it. Women are not exposed to a greater risk from caffeine or coffee than men are.

While some reports contended that coffee causes an increased risk of gallstones in patients who drink the beverage regularly, other research shows that there is no correlation. Just recently there was a report that said coffee drinkers have less gallstones.

Let's dispel some of those myths about coffee and the health risks associated with its consumption. For many of us women, obstetricians and gynecologists discouraged our consumption of coffee during our pregnancies. While this was probably merely a precaution, it is a bit alarming that they have absolutely no scientific reason to do so. Does this anger you?

It seems that sometimes we don't know which study to believe. New research of late has also revealed that coffee is actually beneficial to a person's health. For example, the diuretic effect of coffee has proved that it lessens the incidence of bladder cancer in smokers, and drinking coffee regularly is also reported to lessen the onset of Parkinson's disease. Much of what we hear in the media is hype over a study that had only 200 or 500 people in it. The best advice that anyone can believe is the trusted advice of their doctor.

Let's go in search of answers that many women have about coffee. Many answers to your questions are listed below in the coffee health FAQ.

1. How much coffee is safe?
Well that depends on the brand and type of coffee. Some of the new, popular cappuccino and espresso brands are loaded with caffeine, while some of the other, more traditional brands, offer lower caffeine content. As long as your doctor does not restrict caffeine, it is safe to consume caffeinated coffee in moderation. Individuals with high blood pressure, heart disease, gall stones, high cholesterol, mental illness, drug interaction problems, or who are pregnant should not consume caffeinated coffee.

2. Does caffeine effect fertility?
Yes it can decrease a woman's chances of getting pregnant, but it is in no way unsafe to drink a moderate amount of coffee weekly or even daily. Even male coffee drinkers have a decrease in fertility.

3. Does drinking coffee contribute to or cause infertility and/or delayed conception?
No, there is no evidence of this.

4. Is it safe to drink coffee before conception?
Yes it is safe to consume coffee before trying to get pregnant, but as stated above, it can sometimes make it harder to conceive.

5. Does drinking coffee increase the chance of birth defects in your infant?
No, there is no evidence of this.

6. Does coffee consumption by pregnant women contribute to premature births?
No, there is no connection between birth defects and coffee consumption at this time. Some research has suggested this in the past, but it was never conclusive.

7. Does coffee make depression worse?
Yes it may. The medical community maintains that people with any psychiatric or emotional disorders should not have caffeine. For many years the mentally illness have been instructed not to consume any caffeine, and certainly not at high doses.

8. Does coffee cause cancer?
While there is no scientific proof that coffee and other drinks containing caffeine cause cancer of any kind, there is evidence that shows coffee actually helps to prevent bladder cancer. As briefly mentioned above, smokers who drink coffee daily have a much lower incidence of bladder cancer. This may be due to the fact that coffee drinkers urinate more frequently than non-coffee drinkers, so caffeine actually flushes out the bladder, which in turn lessens the smoker's risk of bladder cancer.

9. Does coffee help gallstones?
There is evidence that coffee can protect against gallstones.

10. Is osteoporosis caused or worsened by drinking coffee?
No. After extensive research, scientists agree that there is no link between cancer and osteoporosis. Even with extremely high doses of caffeine, this is not a factor.

11. Can coffee reduce the risk of Parkinson's Disease?
Yes, a recent study from the U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs in Honolulu states that parkinson's disease occurs less in people who drink caffeine on a regular basis. A Study of 8,000 men of Japanese ancestry were studied.102 of the men were diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

Men didn't drink coffee had a two to three times higher rate of Parkinson's disease than the coffee drinkers did. Although it was men used in the study, reports suggest that it is likely that women would also benefit from drinking coffee where Parkinson's disease is concerned.

So, what should we ladies do? Question your doctor if he/she restricts coffee and follow their advice, but stay current on health news. Learn to tell the difference between the hype and the facts. Being educated about our health will always make us women feel better in the long run.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Why Your Hair to Become Dry?

If your hair is currently very dry then the treatments that are available will focus on hydrating the hair and to also retain any moisture. In order for the hair to remain healthy, the root of the hair actually needs just eight percent moisture content in order for the hair to grow healthy. By adding moisture through the application of a hydrating shampoo or through drinking lots of water will help to decrease the appearance of dry hair.

There are many shampoo and conditioners that will add moisture to the hair and to the scalp and these in turn will help to reduce the appearance of frizz and even help to strengthen hair that is brittle and to help reduce the appearance of split ends. The treatments that are available will also help to give the hair volume and to make it more manageable especially when it comes to styling.

You may actually be wondering what has happened to make your hair become dry and there are different possible reasons for this. Firstly it could just be due to the lack of oils that are naturally secreted through the pores of the scalp. Or it could be due to damage caused by exposing the hair to intense heat. This can be either due to a hair dryer or in the summer, a person has been in the sun for too long. The result will be that the hair becomes frizzy and split ends will become very common as well as the hair being prone to breaking very easily.

Now that you are aware of what the possible causes are for dry hair, you need to be doing something about it. Probably one of the best things that you can be doing is to be eating a well balanced diet and to have a high emphasis on fruits and vegetables and where possible to be eating as much food in a raw state as possible.

The natural hair care products that you need to be using need to be able to increase the moisture content within your hair and also on your scalp and so you need to look for products that will contain ingredients such as that of jojoba, emu oil and also lavender.

These will all help to improve the elasticity of your hair and many of these have been used for many thousands of years. Plus they will also help to soothe the scalp making it less itchy and they also help to reduce any potential swelling.

Some reasons for dry hair have already been mentioned by there is also the possibility that the reason is due to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids. There is still no actual answer as to whether this is the case. But any shampoo or conditioner should also contain a number of essential vitamins also in order to help combat dry hair.

However there are suggestions that there is indeed some improved health benefits if eating omega-3 acids especially to that of the heart and also to the brain. But there is still nothing to suggest that omega-3 oils are of any benefit to the hair, but given that they do have health benefits then there is no harm in taking these as a supplement or to be eating more fish.

Use a Great Anti Wrinkle Face Moisturizer

Looking for an anti wrinkle face moisturizer?
These are my suggestions as to what's important in a face moisturizer, especially if you are aiming to head off wrinkles.
Lately I've been reading some anti-aging moisturizer reviews, and my first thought is, I have my doubts about a lot of them. You wonder about who's doing the reviews, and sometimes you wonder if they've even tried the anti-aging moisturizers they're rating.
I have my own guidelines for an anti wrinkle face moisturizer, and I'll tell you what they are -- so you know where my own thoughts come from (and you could even say my prejudices -- we all have them).

First, I put a lot of stock in natural ingredients -- as natural as possible. They must be processed, of course, for any modern face care formula, but they can and should be treated with respect -- without piling on artificial additives and preservatives.

Second, I want an anti wrinkle face moisturizer to be based on proven ingredients -- up to date, cutting-edge and most important, proven in clinical studies with human volunteers.

Third, no petroleum jelly, petrolatum, mineral oil, in fact, no petroleum ingredients whatsoever. I believe there are natural vegetable-based oils that are superior in all respects.

Since the final proof is always in using the product, I want my anti-aging moisturizer to have a money-back guarantee.

So here are the key ingredients I want to see in my anti wrinkle face moisturizer:

-- Natural oils that are non pore clogging (unlike petroleum products), including avocado oil and macadamia oil, both amazing natural moisturizers and lubricants for the skin.
-- Natural Vitamin E, a proven antioxidant that heals the skin and destroys the free radicals that cause skin dryness and early aging.
-- Active Manuka Honey, a remarkable honey extracted and powdered from specific manuka bushes in New Zealand, which contains unique enzymes with scientifically-proven healing properties for the skin.
-- Allantoin, another natural compound that's found in herbs such as comfrey, in sugar beets and certain grains. It has also been scientifically proven to stimulate skin growth and help restore damaged skin.
-- And one of my favorite cutting-edge ingredients, Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10. This is a refined form of Coenzyme Q10, one of the most effective natural antioxidants, that works synergistically with Vitamin E. Its anti-wrinkle effects, confirmed in scientific studies, comes from its ability to increase collagen and elastin production in the skin.

Get Rid of Eczema

Having any kind of skin irritation can be a terrible experience. Eczemas itch, hurt in some cases, they are stubborn when it comes to their healing. All people who have had skin problems in their life know that in some cases it is not easy to get rid of eczema so easily too.

So what should you do in case you notice or a member of your family has any skin irritation? Here are a few tips.

Take action as early as possible. As with any other disease you should take action when you notice even the slightest signs of skin irritation. Indeed, not all skin irritations are dangerous, some even heal by themselves but neglecting the problem can only worsen the situation in case of eczema. To get rid of eczema easily you should start treatment upon first signs.

Don't rely on medicines only. Indeed professional advice is good; however there is one major problem when it comes to eczema treatment with regular medicines. Most of them actually just relief the symptoms but don't really fix the problem. For that reason many people complain "My eczema was gone only to appear again a couple of days after I stopped treatment. How to get rid of eczema once and for all?" To avoid being in the same situation, try the natural way first. You will be surprised how great results you can get even without regular drugs.

Relief the symptoms while fighting the cause of eczema. Yes, it is easy to say but hard to achieve. Most skin irritations are very itchy and you just cannot help but scratch them. This can only make things worse, let alone touching the infected spot actually reduce the hygiene level and helps eczema grow bigger. The good news is that there are many natural cures to reduce itchiness as well as redness and let you concentrate on healing.

Better prevention. Preventing a problem to appear is much better than trying to fix the situation. For that reason is vital to learn how to keep your skin in a good shape and improve your body immune system so you are less prone to skin irritations. There are many natural drugs that can help. Also avoid contact with harsh chemicals as much as possible.

Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virus. Not only are cold sores annoying, but they can also be painful. If you have ever had a cold sore, you probably wanted to find a way to get rid of it quickly. This article will share how to get rid of cold sores permanently.

Instead of trying to get rid of cold sores, it is better if you can prevent getting the virus in the first place. Cold sores can be spread from person to person through skin contact, such as kissing, touching, and oral sex. It is important to not use personal items of a person with HSV-1 such as drinking glasses, toothbrushes, or towels.

Cold sores will usually appear when you are terribly stressed out. This is when a person is more vulnerable to the virus because the immune system has a more difficult time fighting of bugs.
When you are considering how to get rid of cold sores when you already have them, you should try to keep the symptoms as minimal as possible by catching the cold sore when you feel it starting to come on. Cold sores can sometimes last for weeks, but if you catch it early, you can reduce the healing time.

Here are a few ideas on how to get rid of cold sores:

1.Keep the cold sore area dry. It is important to keep the area clean by washing it and then patting it dry. For a cold sore to continue its regular symptoms, it thrives on moisture and dirt. If you keep your cold sores clean and dry, the affected area will heal quicker. You can protect the cold sore by using a little bit of petroleum jelly.
2.After you have recognized that you have a cold sore, you should get a new toothbrush. Toothbrushes can hold onto some of the virus and it will continue to come back. It is also a good idea to change your toothpaste tube if you use your toothbrush to get the toothpaste out.
3.Eat foods rich in the amino acid lysine. You can also purchase a supplement that comes in pill or powder form. Do not take this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. You can simply eat a few more potatoes and dairy products.
4.Lemon balm, Echinacea, tea tree oil, and tea bags contain antiviral properties and can be applied directly to the affected are.
5.Avoid stress or learn how to deal with it more effectively, and of course it's important to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, and get enough rest. When you ask how to get rid of cold sores, hopefully some of these answers will help you in your journey to have fewer outbreaks or prevent yourself from getting them in the first place.

Did you know, that it is that it is actually possible to cure cold sores within as little as 3 days? Sounds unbelievable? Maybe, but it's 100% truth and I'm living proof of this.

Using Hypoallergenic Skincare Products to Avoid the Risks of Cancer

Doctors and dermatologists are often at a loss to find a reason for the allergies that people have these days. They might identify the problem as something you ate, or too much exposure to a chemical, or simply, pollen. It's what is commonly used that is rarely blamed for the increasing incidence of allergies these days.

You might say that you use 'hypoallergenic' skin creams and the like. All this really means is that hypoallegenic skincare products have been tested and found to cause fewer allergic reactions. But the word 'hypoallergenic' should not be the sole reason to trust the safeness of the product.

Every single skincare product in the market that is produced on a large scale, even the well-respected brands, has to have some amount of synthetic chemical preservatives in it. Most of these belong to a family of compounds called parabens.

Parabens are comparatively easy and cheap to produce and are odourless and tasteless, which makes them perfect for use in skin creams and lotions. In addition, companies prefer using parabens because they have not been found to actually cause diseases like cancer and kidney failure.

The truth about all man-made chemicals is that they have a propensity to cause all sorts of health problems, from nervous disorders to colorectal problems and cancer, kidney diseases to glandular issues. The patients of course might suffer to differing degrees but the fact remains that where skincare products are concerned - we have a choice.

We really don't need to inflict them on ourselves. Those of you with sensitive skin who have gone around layering your skin thickly with sunscreen lotion to protect it must pause and look at the labels. Older women who believe fervently in the aging skin moisturizers they use, must stop and think about what they might suffer as a result..

So what are the options? Since there is a felt need for hypoallergenic and safe skincare products, it is best to look for paraben-free skincare. The chemicals are identified by their codes or sometimes their names on products that you buy. They have names like isobutylparaben, and propylparaben or codes likes E218 (methylparaben). Avoid these altogether and instead go in for products whose ingredients seem like edible items.

Look for Manuka honey, wakame extract, grape seed oil, almond oil, and natural Vitamin E. Organic products would of course be even safer to use. The interesting aspect of using some of these, especially nano-lipobelle H EQ10, Cynergy TK, and Phytessence Wakame, is they also do a great job of looking after your aging skin issues.

To review, synthetic chemical preservatives cause all sorts of illnesses so it's best to move towards 100% pure skincare. Once you find a natural product that suits you, you will leave behind skin problems like irritation and inflammation as well as make a healthy choice for your body.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Painful Places to Get Tattoos

There are definitely painful places to get tattoos as opposed to other areas where pain is minimized. Here are some areas you may want to think twice about if your concerned with painful places to get tattoos.

1. The foot!
The feet are filled with nerve endings and getting inked here can be very painful. Now I am talking about the actual foot, not the ankle area which some people automatically link together or believe that the ankle has the same pain as the foot just because they are close to one another. The foot area itself will be a more painful area to get tattooed, but the ankle is definitely not without it's pain either.

2. Bone areas!
Any area where there is bone close to the skin will be an area of higher pain. For instance your outer ankle bone will be more painful than getting an ankle tattoo in a more fleshier area. Other areas are behind the ear, the skull, and the ribs. All can be painful places to get tattoos.

3. The Butt!
Many people have reported that the most painful places to get tattoos has been...their butt! While tattooing a bony area is painful, there is also pain associated with overly fleshy or flabby areas. Hence the pain level that the butt area has. To experiment with this, simply take your fingernails and lightly dig a line into your butt. Now try the same thing on your shoulder. You can see that, unless you have a very firm butt, the pain level is much higher in the butt than the shoulder. With the popularity of low back tattoos that often times travel south into the butt region, you should be aware that the pain level will be higher when going south towards the butt.


Decorating the body parts with smart, innovative tattoos has become a raging fashion statement for both the young and the old. This innovative form of body art is often used as a mode of personal expression. Tattoos come in varying sizes and shapes ranging from a small pictorial adornment on the shoulder blade to those which extend to cover the whole length of the arm. However, tattoos are personal style statements and can be etched almost anywhere on your body.
In ancient times, tattoos were mostly used for religious purposes. With the passage of time, the tattoos became a unique fashion statement for those who dared to be different.

Cool, Trendy and Hip Tattoos
So, which tattoos are the 'in' thing and which are not? Some of the current crazes are the Tribal Tattoos, Religious Tattoos, Angel Tattoos, Rose Tattoos, Japanese Tattoos, Bird Tattoos, Dolphin Tattoos, Butterfly Tattoos, Eagle Tattoos, Tiger Tattoos etc.

Tattoos for Celebrities
The tattoo craze has even caught up with the movie stars and rock musicians like Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Cher, Whoopi Goldberg and Melanie Griffith. Robert de Niro sports a gigantic cross that covers almost the whole of his back.

Tattoo Artists
Perhaps, some of the most spectacular tattoos have been done up by Shane O'Neill and Ishmael Schuurbiers. Their tattoos range from fantasy objects to religious ones. Some of the most exquisite ones are the image of Christ on a Cross, a grotesque depiction of 'Jack in a Box' and the image of a dead skull. The latter two have been designed by Jamy Carlton and Pete Carreno.

Do's and Dont's of Tattoos
There are certain do's and don'ts of tattoos that you should keep in mind before tattooing your body:

  • Tattooing should be done with a sterile needle.
  • Check for disposable ink bottles to minimize risks of infection.
  • The tattoo artist should cover his hands with latex gloves.
  • Remember to dab Vaseline on your tattoo with a disposable instrument.

Tattoo Care

  • Apply olive oil on the tattooed part for a period of seven days.
  • Avoid a hot shower or bath at least for one week after tattooing.
  • Do not splash chlorinated water on the tattooed portion.
  • Avoid sun baths for at least a week after the tattoo.

Tattoo Removal

You can remove your tattoo if you wish to, but this needs to be done in consultation with a physician. Some of the most popular techniques for removal of tattoos are dermabrasion, excision, salabrasion and laser.

Get Your Fill--50 cures for an empty stomach

When you're dieting, a growling tummy is like a wedding toast: The longer it lasts, the more dangerous it gets. But your hormones, not your gut, are really to blame for most binges. Ghrelin, which makes you hungry, and leptin, your primary appetite suppressor, are eternally battling it out. Preventing these hormones from going haywire is the key to reining in calories without always feeling ravenous. So dig in—we're giving you 50 ways to fill up and conquer the growling beast that is your stomach.
1. Pack a packet Instant oatmeal beats out All Bran and Muesli for fullness factor. We love Quaker's Weight Control Maple and Brown Sugar—it tastes heavenly and has more fiber, protein, and whole grains than the regular variety.
2. Find berry treasure Raspberries are one of the most fiber-filled fruits, packing 8 grams into a cupful—a whopping 32 percent of your RDA. Add some to your cereal or yogurt.
3. Can the juice Whole fruit has a higher fiber content and makes you feel fuller than fruit juices, even those with pulp.
4. Make a dinner date A study found that women eat less than usual on dates (men tend to eat a lot more).
5. But don't eat by candlelight Dim light can trigger binge eating.
6. Better yet, make it a blind date It's worth a try—dine blindfolded and you'll eat 22 percent less food without missing it. Just watch out for the salad fork.
7. Bulk up Soluble fiber expands in your GI tract to make you feel full, so get your 25-gram RDA. That's a packet of oatmeal, two slices of whole-wheat bread, and 1 cup each of broccoli, edamame, and raw carrots.
8. Ignore diet labels One study found that after eating full-fat muffins, subjects were less hungry and ate less over the next 24 hours than after eating a fat-free version.
9. Hold your breath Just smelling a fresh-baked cupcake in the break room can induce the insulin secretion that makes you think you're hungry. Sight activates the appetite snowball too, so avert your eyes.
10. Down a multivitamin Research suggests that your body may compensate for a lack of nutrients by increasing your appetite so you'll eat more.
11. Save your bread Dodge the white wonder and go for whole wheat—it's 5.5 times more satisfying.
12. Meet meat One study found that people ate 441 fewer calories a day when following a 30 percent protein diet versus a 15 percent protein diet.
13. Eat like a cow Graze: Five evenly spaced, 350-calorie mini-meals a day will regulate your appetite and ward off sugar cravings caused by skipping meals.
14. Attempt ambidexterity Switch your fork to your nondominant hand—you'll eat much more slowly. That gives you time to recognize your couldn't-eat-another-bite feeling when it first sets in.
15. Skip soft drinks High-fructose corn syrup, the main sweetener in soda, doesn't spur insulin production to make the body process calories, nor does it trigger leptin, the hormone that tamps down appetite.
16. Trade your corkscrew for a bottle opener Participants in one study ate more food while drinking wine than while drinking beer.
17. Boost your bean count The musical fruit's high fiber content causes glucose to be released slowly into the bloodstream, preventing the sudden slumps that cause hunger spikes. Add garbanzos or black beans to soup or salad.
18. Shape up Wedge-shaped foods like pizza make it difficult to estimate proper portions. (No wonder the apple pie always goes so fast.)
19. Start with soup Have a cup of soup, such as chicken noodle or vegetable, before your entrĂ©e—you'll feel fuller sooner and eat fewer calories overall.
20. But only one cup Served buffet style, diners ate 73 percent more soup without realizing it or feeling any fuller.
21. Bag the dried fruit Go for 2 cups of grapes over a quarter cup of raisins—both are 100 calories, but the grapes' water content feels more filling.
22. Dig pop culture Because it's mostly air, popcorn is twice as filling as a candy bar or peanuts, with fewer calories. We like Pop Secret 100-calorie packs.
23. Slurp a smoothie Make it with low-fat yogurt and loads of fruit for a satiety trifecta: protein (to decrease hunger), fiber (to fill you up without extra calories), and calcium (to help burn, not store, fat).
24. Whey your options Boost that smoothie with 1 to 2 tablespoons of whey powder. New studies suggest that in addition to a protein punch, whey may affect the hormones that make you feel full. In one study, participants who ate a liquid meal made with whey ate significantly fewer calories 90 minutes later than their counterparts.
25. Go cuckoo for cocoa Participants in one study were significantly more satisfied 30 minutes after they drank low-fat chocolate milk than they were after they drank soda.continued...
26. Crunch on raw carrots Researchers in Ireland noted that carrots are more filling when they're uncooked. Bonus: A 1-cup serving has 3.6 grams of fiber.
27. Add avocado Your body burns carbohydrates in an hour or two, so toss a little healthy fat into the mix (avocado in salad, peanut butter on bread) to buy a few hours before the pangs hit.
28. Start a pack-a-day habit Chewing gum (sugar-free or regular) suppresses your desire for sweets. (If you prefer potato chips, spit out the gum—it may make a salty craving worse.)
29. Get nutty Nosh on pine nuts—they have the most protein of any nut or seed, and the pinolenic acid they contain stimulates two powerful hunger-suppressing hormones.
30. Listen to Norah Jones Eating while listening to mellow music slows you down. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain it's full—that's the first seven tracks of Come Away with Me.
31. Go beyond the pale White pasta and other foods made with refined flour cause blood sugar to drop and leave you hungry again in no time. Choose whole-wheat pasta and you'll be satisfied almost twice as long.
32. Ride a roller-coaster Nausea is responsible for a subsequent loss of appetite (bring your own barf bag).
33. Get hitched A study found that happy marriages lower the risk of metabolic syndrome, which could lead to overeating. Women in consistently dissatisfying marriages were about 3 times more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. Widows carried nearly 6 times the risk.
34. Find a new china pattern Research shows that blue is a natural appetite suppressant, so using blue plates, napkins, or placemats may make you eat more slowly and realize when you're full.
35. Re-paint your dining room beige Red, yellow, and orange hues stimulate appetite and make you eat more.
36. Be antisocial On average, people who eat with one other person consume about 35 percent more than when they dine alone; at a table of four, that figure rises to 75 percent more; if you're in a party of eight you'll nearly double your intake.
37. Enjoy your salad days According to one study, women who ate a 100-calorie salad before dinner consumed 12 percent fewer calories during the meal without trying to diet or limit their intake. The fiber in the greens probably helped.
38. Choose surf over turf Fish is more satisfying, per calorie, than lean beef or chicken, according to Dr. Susanna Holt's Satiety Index, a ranking of different foods' ability to satisfy hunger.
39. Live in your own private Idaho If you need starches, yams and white potatoes (with skin) are 7 times more filling than a croissant. Sorry, French fries don't count.
40. Practice patience Before you go for seconds, wait 20 minutes. Once the leptin kicks in, you might find you're already full.
41. Declare yourself perfect Accept your body and, according to a study at Ohio State University, you're more likely to eat healthily—and not for emotional reasons.
42. Request a doggy bag Wrap up half your meal to go before you take the first bite and you're likely to eat less. Study participants who were offered a portion and a half of a food consumed 43 percent more of it and ate 25 percent more calories in the meal overall.
43. Have a seaweed spritzer When you mix agar-agar, a fiber-rich thickening agent derived from seaweed, with fruit juice, it soaks up the liquid, making you full-full. Pick it up at Whole Foods Market.
44. Make some miso When your metabolism is dragging and your energy dips, you crave foods and drinks that give you a quick lift. New research reveals that protein-rich miso soup boosts metabolism.
45. Count sheep Sleep-deprivation leads to lower leptin levels and higher ghrelin levels, boosting your appetite. Try to get at least 7 hours tonight.
46. Have a cocktail with lunch Fruit cocktail, that is. Mixed fruit can curb a sweet tooth, and it has plenty of fiber, which helps regulate your blood sugar.
47. Eject the junk Science has proven that a food's tasty appearance can trump feelings of fullness. Ask the waiter to remove your plate before you scarf the rest of those fluffy mashed potatoes.
48. Turn up the heat Temperature is a satiety signal, and the cooler a room, the more people tend to eat—which is why restaurants often keep thermostats low.And, in the not too distant future...
49. Chew on this London researchers found that moderate doses of the "feeling full" hormone pancreatic polypeptide reduces the amount of food eaten by 15 to 20 percent. They're working on a chewing gum, but a finished product is still a good 5 years down the line.
50. Pop a pill Italian scientists looking to make a more absorbent diaper lining ended up creating a cellulose pill that expands in your stomach to ward off hunger pangs for up to 7 hours. Look for it (pending safety trials) in May 2008.