Monday, December 15, 2008

What Are the Signs of Vaginal Dryness?

If you have been wondering about the obvious signs of vaginal dryness, the best course of action is to make an appointment to see your trusted gynaecologist. However, you can see the telltale warnings of vaginal dryness by pinpointing several symptoms beforehand.

Some women experience severe vaginal itch, a continuous burning sensation, bleeding during sexual contact, and urinary infection. These can be caused by the build-up of bacteria that can go undetected for many days. When this happens, vaginal dryness can be a very disturbing and unwelcome condition, especially on the part of married couples.

External causes for the signs of vaginal dryness can encompass a variety of things, however. You may not know it, but your lifestyle can be one great contributory factor to vaginal dryness. A stressful lifestyle can add largely to this condition. If you are a chain smoker and take a lot of medications against depression, it will be harder for you to achieve sufficient vaginal lubrication.

Some anti-depressant medications can cause decreased vaginal moisture. Pregnant women tend to suffer from this condition more. Women who are also into breast feeding may experience dryness for a period of time. Furthermore, undergoing treatment can cause dryness, like maintaining allergy medicines or having chemotherapy sessions.

Dryness often occurs due to the extremely low levels of estrogen in the woman's body. This condition promotes the irritating signs of dryness. Estrogen plays a very vital role in maintaining the lubrication and the PH balance of the female genitalia. When estrogen is produced in very minimal doses, the condition called vaginal dryness is bound to take place.

This is one of the main reasons why menopausal women tend to complain of dryness. Nowadays, however, lubricants are available to help women prevent the discomfort of dryness and painful intercourse. Vaginal moisturizers can also be applied to maintain the level of dampness.

Vaginal dryness need not be a problem any longer due to a lot of excellent products currently available. The HerSolution gel for example can help women achieve orgasm successfully. The Vigorelle cream is another excellent product known to give women the stimulation they require.

Made from natural ingredients, these supplements allow women to be on top of their sexual experiences. With perfect lubrication, sexual intercourse will be more enjoyable. These are effective products to fight the signs of vaginal dryness, and they are all products proven to be safe and natural.

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