Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Adult acne treatments

Acne is usually associated with the awkwardness of the teenage years. Unfortunately, acne can affect adults. Even people who had good skin in their youth can develop horrible acne is their twenties, thirties, or even forties. Because it is not expected, adult acne can be especially embarrassing. However, there are lots of adult acne treatments that are extremely effective; if you suffer from adult acne, the following tips might be just what you need.

First of all, if you suffer from acne you should eliminate the causes of acne. Avoid touching your face and change your pillow case very often; your hands and pillow case are covered with more dirt and oil than you might think. Dehydration and vitamin deficiency can trigger acne, so you should drink lots of water and take a multivitamin. Some people find that eating certain foods also causes acne. If you suspect that a food is triggering your acne, eliminate that food and see if the acne improves. If you wear makeup, make sure it is light and oil free, and try to use something that is made for acne prone skin.

Skin needs moisture; do not rid you face of all of its moisture in an attempt to get rid of oil. While it is true that an excess of oil can cause acne, it is also true that dry skin can produce extra oil in order to lessen the dryness, thus causing acne. Even if the dryness does not lead to acne, dry skin simply does not look or feel very appealing. The key is to find a balance where your skin is healthy and acne-free. In order to avoid over-drying your skin, do not wash your face more than twice a day. Also, even if you have oily skin, you should use a moisturizer – seriously. If your acne is mild, you might have success with any oil-free moisturizer. If your acne is severe or your face is very oily, try using an oil-free lotion that contains an acne-fighting medicine or claims to be good for controlling oil or shine.

There are lots of different acne fighting products on the market, but there are really not that many different types of medications. The most common topical medication is salicylic acid, which is very effective at treating and preventing acne. Benzoyl peroxide is also a common acne medication; it helps reduce acne causing bacteria and is great for treating blackheads. Some people use salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide together, although the combination might be too harsh for some skin types. A little experimentation is usually necessary to find the best treatment for an individual.

If you acne is persistent or very severe, you should see a dermatologist. Acne can be treated with prescription medicine, including Accutane. Some people view Accutane as a miracle cure; however, the drug has been linked to number of different side effects, ranging from dry mouth and nose bleeds to birth defects and depression. If you are interested in Accutane, you should discuss the option very thoroughly with your doctor. If you are a woman, you might also consider going on the birth control pill; many women find that their acne improves significantly while on birth control. If you are already on taking the birth control pill and still suffer from bad acne, switching to a different birth control pill might help. Once again, discuss your options thoroughly with your doctor.

There are many different causes of acne; usually, people who suffer from acne never know exactly what caused it. However, most acne can be treated fairly easily. If you suffer from acne, make sure that you keep your face clean, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and take good care of your skin. And, if necessary, discuss other options with your doctor.

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