Sunday, December 28, 2008

Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex type 1 virus. Not only are cold sores annoying, but they can also be painful. If you have ever had a cold sore, you probably wanted to find a way to get rid of it quickly. This article will share how to get rid of cold sores permanently.

Instead of trying to get rid of cold sores, it is better if you can prevent getting the virus in the first place. Cold sores can be spread from person to person through skin contact, such as kissing, touching, and oral sex. It is important to not use personal items of a person with HSV-1 such as drinking glasses, toothbrushes, or towels.

Cold sores will usually appear when you are terribly stressed out. This is when a person is more vulnerable to the virus because the immune system has a more difficult time fighting of bugs.
When you are considering how to get rid of cold sores when you already have them, you should try to keep the symptoms as minimal as possible by catching the cold sore when you feel it starting to come on. Cold sores can sometimes last for weeks, but if you catch it early, you can reduce the healing time.

Here are a few ideas on how to get rid of cold sores:

1.Keep the cold sore area dry. It is important to keep the area clean by washing it and then patting it dry. For a cold sore to continue its regular symptoms, it thrives on moisture and dirt. If you keep your cold sores clean and dry, the affected area will heal quicker. You can protect the cold sore by using a little bit of petroleum jelly.
2.After you have recognized that you have a cold sore, you should get a new toothbrush. Toothbrushes can hold onto some of the virus and it will continue to come back. It is also a good idea to change your toothpaste tube if you use your toothbrush to get the toothpaste out.
3.Eat foods rich in the amino acid lysine. You can also purchase a supplement that comes in pill or powder form. Do not take this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. You can simply eat a few more potatoes and dairy products.
4.Lemon balm, Echinacea, tea tree oil, and tea bags contain antiviral properties and can be applied directly to the affected are.
5.Avoid stress or learn how to deal with it more effectively, and of course it's important to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, and get enough rest. When you ask how to get rid of cold sores, hopefully some of these answers will help you in your journey to have fewer outbreaks or prevent yourself from getting them in the first place.

Did you know, that it is that it is actually possible to cure cold sores within as little as 3 days? Sounds unbelievable? Maybe, but it's 100% truth and I'm living proof of this.

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