Sunday, March 8, 2009

Look Cute Without Makeup

Sometimes you want to look naturally cute without having to put on loads of makeup to look "natural". To make you look great without makeup, follow these steps!

1--Sleep well and keep hydrated: it makes your skin look young and healthy. It also improves shadows and circles around eyes (therefore no need for concealer there). 7-10 hours is perfect.

2--If you have acne, use a salicylic acid treatment and a benzoil peroxide treatment; both are different medications that improve your face drastically if used for a long period of time.

3--Wash your face and apply either a tinted moisturizer or the self tanner of your choice!

4--Pluck/wax your eyebrows in its natural curve: Plucking/waxing eyebrows makes eyes look cleaner and bigger.

5--Try transparent mascara. It makes your eyes stand out, but is much more natural looking than black mascara. You could also try curling eyelashes to make your eyes look bigger and fresh. This is cute for women who don't want to wear mascara.

6--If you do want to add a little makeup, wear some pink blush to brighten your look, or some light lip balm to keep lips moisturized.

7--One thing to do if you can't keep away from makeup is to use healthy options. Try a light lip gloss with SPF protection that protects your lips, or tinted.

8--Shampoo your hair every other day, but condition every day. This will make your hair look good and not get rid of those important natural oils in hair that make hair in perfect condition; neither greasy or dirty.

9--Don't choose a hairstyle for yourself just because its 'in'. Wear one that fits your face structure and looks good on you (ex. if you have a round shaped head go for curls, if you are heart shaped go for wavy, and if you are oval shaped choose either curly or straight.)

  • Always make sure you are clean and smell good.
  • Drink lots of water. It'll make your skin look fabulous without any make-up. Also, sunscreen will help keep your skin in great condition as well.
  • If you have light eyelashes, eyelash tinting is a good idea as it makes them longer and more defined without needing mascara

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