Monday, March 23, 2009

Ways to Lose Face Fat Fast

We all know that when people gain weight, you can see it in their face. That is because there are fat glands in the face and the body does store some fat there. Sometimes, individuals might have a slender body, but still store fat in the face. There are some exercises that you can do to exercise chubby cheeks or a double chin. Any movement on your body burns at least some calories, so it doesn't hurt to do some face exercises. Here are some exercises that can help you lose face fat.

Many people who want to lose face fat have a double chin. If you have a double chin, there is an exercise that you can do. Curl your bottom lip over your bottom teeth. Open your mouth wide, and work your lower jaw up and down. This is something that you can do for a few minutes everyday, and it can eventually see some difference in your chin. Chewing gum on a regular basis can also reduce you chin eventually.

If you have chubby cheeks, there are a couple things that you can do. Smile more often. You might even practice smiling in the mirror. Try smiling with your teeth and without your teeth. After a minute or two, you will start to feel the burn in your cheeks. That is your face muscle working. You can also work your chin by frowning. You can frown regularly, and then do and exaggerated frown. You will probably start to feel a little fatigued in the face after these exercises.

These exercises might help to tone some parts of your face a little bit, but you have to remember that fat loss takes more than just working one small area of the body. If you truly want to burn the face fat, you will have to approach it like reducing any other area of fat. You can exercise the area more than others if you like, but ultimately, working out your entire body is the best way to lose face fat.

Exercise the rest of your body. I already mentioned that you can often see fat gain in the face. Well, it is also true that you can see weight loss in the face! If you make the effort to eat healthier foods and get more exercise overall, you may start to see some thinning in your face.
You can start off with some very simple exercises to burn some extra calories. Walking is a natural and effective exercise. If you walk more often, you will simply burn more calories. You can also jog, or do a few sprints to really get your heart pumping. Aerobic activity like dancing can also burn fat. Talking the stairs instead of the elevator and getting up to change the channel on the television (instead of using the remote) can cause your metabolism to rise. If you watch a lot of TV, get on a treadmill and watch, or get up and move around during commercials. Simply moving your body more will raise your metabolism and help you to lose face fat.

Developing some muscle tone also helps to increase your metabolism and burn fat. You can get some wrist or ankle weights to wear while you are walking. You can also get some dumbbells to do some strength training exercises. There are many workout DVDs that you can buy, or you can join a class. You can also take a dance or aerobics class. These things are also available on DVD in most places that they sell movies.

The final way to lose face fat is to watch what you eat. Try to eat balanced diet that incorporates all of the food groups with balance. Eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables the most, and meat and dairy a little less.

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