Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to get rid of Blackheads, Remove Blackheads

Even people who do not have the misfortune of getting acne or pimples sometimes had to deal with black heads. How to get rid of black heads is a question that gets asked a lot. Depending on your skin tone and your situation there can be a lot of different answers but generally there are a few tips you can follow regardless of your skin condition that will help you eliminate black heads.

Your facial skin is one of the most delicate parts of the body, which explains why even the slightest form of irritation could result to devastating blackheads. If you want to know how to get rid of blackheads, the best way to start is to determine its cause. Blackheads usually happens when excess oil are stuck in your pores. Oftentimes, the use of skin care products could also contribute to the formation of such skin blemishes.
Pore strips. This is the simplest and easy method. Just paste it over the skin, wait awhile for it to dry and pull away the pore strip to remove the blackheads. However, a word of caution, overusing pore strips can aggravate your skin condition and can cause spider veins if it is pulled too hard.

But what about once you have them? Worried about how to get rid of blackheads then? One of the best ways to get rid of a blackhead is to squeeze it out. Make sure you are not squeezing too hard because this can do more harm to your skin than good. Gentle squeezing is actually good for your skin. It relieves the pressure, preventing further damage to your skin. If you are over squeezing, pinching, scraping the skin with your nails, or pressing too hard you are doing great damage to your skin.

One of the best type of natural remedies for acne is by washing the face tenderly with a mild soap or sulfur soap at least two times a day. This can help prevent the onset and spread of whiteheads and blackheads. This is one of the best ways on how to get rid of blackheads because it’s so simple to do once you get into the habit.
It is not clearly understood why the sebaceous glands begin to become overactive. It is often noted that this situation begins at puberty, and may stop at the end of puberty leading to the conclusion that it is hormonally controlled. For some people this is not the case however, and they may continue to experience blackheads and whiteheads well past puberty and into adulthood. Whiteheads are formed the same way as blackheads with the exception that the pore is closed and the oxidation does not occur.

1 comment:

Geekazoid said...

Even though it gets rid of that -one- blackhead, squeezing is a BAD idea. If you've got painful cystic acne, that's one thing. All you're doing by squeezing otherwise is spreading bacteria--resulting in more acne.