Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to Clear Up Acne

Many teenagers struggle with acne and oily skin to some degree, but some adults, long past puberty, struggle with this problem as well. Here are a few easy skin care options to aid in reducing or eliminating that acne.

Step1 Find the product that works for you.
You may be battling pimples, blackheads, white heads, or simply oil skin and need to find the product that specifically addresses your issue. Read labels carefully to see what is best for your condition. While ProActiv may work for your friend, Clearasil may be best for you.

Step2 Keep your pores clean.
This is the best step in catching acne before it forms. If you can prevent it, you will save yourself a lot of time trying to clear it up. Always wash make up and dirt off your face to keep those pores open.

Step3 Keep your hair washed.
If you have oily skin, chances are that you’ll also have oily hair. By keeping your hair clean, you’ll prevent dirt and oil transferring from your hair to your face. Also, try to keep your hair pulled back from your face.

Step4 Keep your hands washed.
In the same way that dirt and oil can transfer from your hair to your face, it can also transfer from your hands. Touch your face very little and if you do, make sure your hands are washed.

Step5 Don’t squeeze pimples or blackheads.
While it is very tempting, you never want to squeeze acne. This can lead to permanent scarring and will make things worse below the surface.

Step6 Always pat your face dry after washing.
this way you blot away the dirty water instead of grinding it in.

Step7 Spot treat those pimples!
Once you find a good acne cream for you, apply a little to your breakouts everyday. By attacking them daily you’ll wipe out acne and be on your way to clear skin.

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