Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to remove callouses on hands

A callus is a thickening or hardening of the skin. They form as a result of friction or pressure against the skin. In general, calluses are normal and natural. They are part of the body’s defense system. For example, Since they have never walked, infants have very tender feet. They have no calluses. But adults often have hard, even horny calluses. People that are frequently barefoot may develop calluses on their feet that are as thick and hard as leather.

Calluses on the hands form as a result of pressure or friction, just like calluses on the feet. Guitar players, manual laborers and gardeners all know about calluses on the hands. Archers sometimes develop thick calluses on the first three fingers of their dominant hand. That’s the hand that pulls the bow back and looses the string. Gymnasts, especially male gymnasts, often form thick calluses on their hands from the vaulting horse, the rings etc. In other words, friction against their hands causes the skin to toughen to protect the hands.

Of course, like any other natural process, it can go farther than we’d like. When calluses get too thick they can interfere with sensitivity and dexterity. It can be like wearing a thick pair of leather gloves at all times. Just the way thick calluses make hands look can motivate some people to remove their calluses. And no one wants to touch a loved one’s sensitive skin with rough, hard hands.

Never try to remove calluses by cutting or slicing without medical supervision. The risk of infection is too great. Besides, there are easier, less painful ways to remove a callus.

The first step in removing a callus is to soften it. You can do this as simply as soaking in the bath for a while, or by rubbing moisturizing cream into your hands. If your are not allergic to wool, many people find pure lanolin to be among the very best moisturizers available. Of course, your local pharmacist has many, many moisturizers on his shelves.

If your callus is relatively thin, moisturizing may be all that’s needed. Simply keep it moist, rub it a little and in a few days it will be gone. For thicker and harder calluses, you may have to use a pumice stone or sandpaper to sand it down. Under no circumstances should you cut or shave a callus. If your callus is so thick and hard that sandpaper and moisturizers will not soften it, you should see a medical professional.

The best way to remove a callus on the hand is to avoid it. Since calluses on the hands are simply the result of friction or pressure, they can be easily avoided by wearing gloves, or by avoiding work!

When you work with hand tools like shovels, rakes, hoes, etc. a good pair of work gloves is your best defense against calluses. Proper fit is important, since an ill-fitting glove may rub and cause more calluses than it avoids. Of course, a daily moisturizer couldn’t hurt!

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